Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Graffiti amuses me.

Have you ever been somewhere and seen some clever, random, obscene, or just plain stupid graffiti...and laughed? I have.

I believe this was from a bathroom somewhere on campus:
Person 1: Freedom isn't free
Person 2: and feifdom isn't feif
Person 3 (pointing at 2): Crypto-marxist attempt at wit
Person 4 (pointing at 3): Smartass Jew
Person 5 (pointing at 4): This person had nothing better to do than...
Person 6 (pointing at 5): This person had something better to do

High school was by and large a blur for me and I'm not sorry that I remember very little of it. However, one thing stuck in my mind. This scrawl on a bathroom wall made me laugh at the sheer stupidity and randomness of it:
Person 1: My dick is as big as Taiwan
Person 2 modified Person 1's note to read: My dick is as big as Taiwan people's knees
Person 3: That sucks

If you've read any laudable graffiti recently, do tell.

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